General terms and conditions of mybergtour
Your registration will be confirmed by email and will then be considered binding. By registering you accept the general terms and conditions of mybergtour.
Contractual relationship
The contract is concluded between the mountain guide, who advertises a tour on mybergtour.ch and leads it effectively, and the customer, who books this tour and takes part personally. The mountain guide is solely responsible for the careful planning and implementation of the tour. mybergtour only acts as an intermediary portal and assumes no liability.
Conditions of participation
All tours and courses require good health and equipment that complies with the CE standard. The conditional and technical requirements according to the advertisement must be fulfilled. If a participant does not meet these requirements, the responsible mountain guide can exclude the participant from the event. In the event of exclusion for the reasons mentioned, no refund will be made.
Payment & Refund
When registering for a tour of 1-2 days on mybergtour.ch, the entire amount is owed in any case. For tours of 3 days or more, the following applies: if the contract is canceled up to 31 days before the start of the course, we charge a processing fee of CHF 100.-. If you cancel 30 - 20 days before the start of the course, we charge 50%, 19 - 10 days before the start of the course 70% and 9 - 0 days before the start of the course 100% of the flat rate
Exception: cancellation by mybergtour or the mountain guide.
If a participant does not show up for the tour or if he or she cancels a tour prematurely, the all-inclusive price is owed.
Cancellation by us
We, mybergtour or the responsible mountain guide, reserve the right to cancel a tour early:
a) if we see that a minimum number of guests is not reached. All registered amounts will be reimbursed to the registered persons.
b) because the conditions in the touring area are too bad and no suitable replacement can be found.
In these cases, the registered persons will be reimbursed for all amounts already paid minus non-refundable down payments (e.g. for hotels, agencies).
Failure of the mountain guide
If the mountain guide responsible for a tour fails at short notice, for example due to illness or the like, it may be that a replacement mountain guide takes over the tour.
Multiple groups
If, exceptionally, a tour or a course is carried out in parallel with more than one group, these additional groups are sometimes led by a mountain guide aspirant (mountain guide in training).
The participant undertakes to provide adequate insurance protection. We recommend taking out cancellation insurance . With around 4% of the tour price, you can save yourself a lot of trouble. In addition, we also recommend sponsorship from REGA.
Latest information about the tour
It is mandatory to find out about any changes on the evening before the tour (from around 6 p.m.) on www.mybergtour.ch.
Residual risk in the mountains
Mountain tours can sometimes be associated with an increased risk. The leading mountain guide undertakes to carefully prepare and carry out the tour. Nevertheless, a residual risk remains.
Image rights
During the tour, visual material is created that can show individual people. These pictures are taken by guests or mountain guides. Mybergtour reserves the right to use the pictures for marketing purposes (social media, homepage).
If pictures of participants are not to be used for marketing purposes, he must report this before or during the tour.
Protection of personal data
mybergtour uses customer data to process registrations and to send its own offers. The customer data is also passed on to the respective tour manager. Further information on data protection can be found here .
Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
The place of jurisdiction is in Basel-Stadt.
Basel, November 2018